
February 16, 2009

Really No mood!

Today was my off day! Haha! (:
Work so long finally got 1 off day for myself (=
Meet jiahao to paly basketball at fajar court around 10plus in the morning
Then jiahao tell me got western and eastern de match!
Then i and jiahao quickly go his house go watch the show!

Haha, after that jiale came then i and jiahao go fetch her
Went back to wsss to look look!
Like so sian sia!

In the afternoon Suvin come find me!
Then james call me go CCk de cc go play basketball
At cck they say change venue then go jelapang!
Cos we thought at jelapang should have got more ppl
But in the end there no ppl de!
9 plus send suvin home
Then went home after that!
Dunno why today was like so no mood to do anything!

Waiting for an answer!
Anyway take your time! x)
Must make sure !!!
Post until here! Byebye!
