April 28, 2009
April 26, 2009
just now was damm fun! xD
Just now webcam with dear! So funny sia
We make so many stupid actions =.=
Then keep laugh like mad! (:
Then dear keep di siao her sister ! HAHAHAH
I laugh like mad man! xD
Her brother came into the picture and we disturb suvin!
Labels: Love Love Love (L)
Project project
Yesterday went to the library with gw first.
I act cleever went to use my own extension plug and we use until so happy! (:
then gw do finish this things i still doing! Hahahah!
But its so coolling in the library rather than stuck at home so siann and hot...
In the library, we enjoyed the air-connn~~~
Then do until very shuang, Ck arrived!
I and ck was so pathetic noob as we dont know to to access to internet. ):
But then i can acceesss!! Wooooohooo.!! (:
Sad to say that Ck went to the library for nothing as he cannto even access to interent for the whole day! xD
Then we scold each other fuck face !! (:
Its so nice la! Great feeling! Its like in my secondary school life junyang keep guai lan me.! Now is then is me guai lan Ck! Woohoo!! (:
Beatrice and Yaocong came after that then slack slack slack!
Night time we went to baskbetball and played basketball!
Suffered alot fo injures! But still very fun! xDD
Thats all for today !
Today finally Rained, the weather from hot become cooling now become hot again! ):
Sian la ):. Bye bye Guys!
I still waiting for dear tag! xD
Labels: All i want is you ^^
April 24, 2009
Siannnnnn ):
Hahah! Yoh guys and ladies! xD
Hmmm, i addicted to yoh this word! Hahahah
Wanna Knnow who teach me de ma? Its Suvin my dear who teach me de!
Hahah! hmmm, recently there is a very strong wind!
and the weather is super strange X.X
THen dear dear told me that 3 more years the world will come to an end ):
Omg,what if it really happens?
Sian, i dun wan to so early die as i had so many things to do ! xD
All the well, the weather had been supre super strange ):
Siannnn, exams coming in 6 more weeks time.. ):
Today school ends at 12pm and i went home and went ot nyp again! xD
Hahah, Firstly yew tee like my second home now nyp is going to be a place that i will go very oftenly.Hahaha!! Today spend time with dear.! So happy! ((:
Labels: LOve SUvin Baby FOrever XD
April 23, 2009
Dear, its a week plus that i never see you lerhs! ):
When i see you today, i was shocked!!
Hahah, firstly is that you eaten quite a lot in school and your face is rounder and cuter xDD
You also very cheerful and happy going xD
But under your block, i saw a different side of you.
I saw your studious looks and i can see that you are very worn-out
You seems to be very tired and under a lot of stress !! ):
I wish i could help you but i cant. ): I want to help you in your studies and many more.
But i cannot do so.
Yesterday, i was so touched and happy by your text xD
We are not drifting apart! xD.
We are being closer and closer!! xDD
Hehe! Dear, you must rest well and sleep well !
MUst be back to the Suvin Choo Wee Sin ( HYPER)
Hahahs! xDD
Labels: LOve SUvin Baby FOrever XD
Today was a nice day ! xD
1pm reach school went to my is com class! xD
Hahah! today i knew a new friend called amanda. I envy friends cause they are together ):
Hahahah, but the good thing is that i was released at 2plus =O
Damm shiok okay !!! xD
Cabbed home and put my bags down everything and i straight go nyp le xD
Cause i never see DumbDumb for very long lerhs ):, She also miss me ma! xD
Went to yio chu kang.. Its was super far from fajar.!!
Reached the school outside and waited for dear..
I saw damm lots of handsome guys! @.@
Dear came out and we headed to yew tee.
Walked back to her house, slacked a while under her block and off she go! xDD
Cause she dont want me le! Hahahah (joking)
Thats all for today ! xD
Labels: Misses and misses
April 21, 2009
class outing

These are the photos that were taken in starbucks with qishan irena me zhaoxun and of course junyang the gl kid xDD
Hahahah!! On that day, aroud 10 ppl turned up for the dinner xD
Played some games at the garden plaza. We done so many stupid stuffs like asking for apple juice without apple and singing nobody nobody but you at the playgground with so many kids running around.
They were damm cute sia (:
I miss my childhood dreams which i had so many nice memories. ):
Anyways thats all for today xDD. Bye bye! xD
April 20, 2009
Happy 2nd month anniversary ^^
Dearest Suvin Choo Wee sin! xD
Today is the day which embarks our second month of our relationship xD
Haha! Its a sad thing that we cannot meet up with each other to celebrate today
Due to Poly schools!! ):
My time table sucks man. Monday to thursday, School ends at 5pm everyday.
But On friday, schools end at 12pm xDD
Which is so good!~
Intended to celebrate it on friday xD
But dear dear say her mother say buy laptop on friday soo..
Haha!~ But its okay! The most i pon some of the lesson on weekdays then we can go out and play xDD.
See i so gooooddd riiighhtt!! xDD
Today lesson was exceptionally boring.. Feel like sleeping minute..
Teacher was boring, everything was boring..
School just sucks..!
I enjoyed the days in the holiday when i can meet Dearest (:
Cos with her life is never boring for me. Hahahah!
Dear, i want to be with you every minute xDD
I also need you to be at my side xD
I miss you every minute when i am asleep and awake!
I love you xD
See, so touching right Dear! xDD
Labels: Happy 2nd month anniversary
April 17, 2009
LOve LOve

Dear dear, i miss you damm damm damm damm lottt!!! HAHAHHAHA
I black knight You white princess ! xDD
See le must tag my blog hor! you everytime never tag me de! ):
Anyway hope you enjoyed your days and knowing lots of friends ! xD
Hahah! iloveyou dear! xD
Labels: Love Love Love (L)
Hello guys and girls! xD
SChool is starting in 2 days time and it is coming soon very very fast.
I did not relaly enjoyed myself in this few months of rest ):
But i had also fun in this holiday. this holiday had benefited quite alot (x
In this holiday, i knew my dear dear and i made new friends like joachim
Haha and also not forgetting friends of tang dian wang xD
Although its a short period of time we meet, but i am glade we enjoyed our times
We had fun laughter in this period of time xD
I really really enjoyed myself.
Not forgetting, in this holiday i found myself a person that i love
and she is really a wonderful girl (:
Hmmm, today i, junyang and friends went to watch a movie called the sniper
the movie was quite a disappointment. We were expecting quite a lot from the movie
But haiishh, But shinjiku( i hope spelling is right ) and fast and furious were great !!!!
All the shows are fantastic to watch! You guys should try it.
I also watched Coming soon with dear dear. Omg i shall not elaborate it, its so paiseh la T.T
Now, night time went to play basketball with cliques! xD
SIann, played until very badly! i also dunno why.. SOrry guys !
Hmmm.. i think thats all for today barhs xD
Labels: LOve SUvin Baby FOrever XD
April 16, 2009
SIann.. Yesterday night, Mother ask me and brother to sleep early as we tomoorrow need to wake up for temple~~ ):
Hahah! Dear dear, SOrryyy!! You 3 aam plus sms me! But i dreaming in my dreamland xD.
Paiseh ar! i know you won mind de (:
Eh.. i 4 am plus sms u back LOL! thennn i waited for your replyy for suupppeerrrr LOONnnggg!!!!~~~~~
Hahahahah.. i know You now enjoying your orientation right!~!
Dont forget me also HOr!!! ^^
SIan , morning went to temple..
then mother and father go out, left me and sis and brother at home.
SO boreed
Ass sia :@ actually today wanted to go out.! but before mother go out, she called father to call me not to go out.):
Keep nag nag nag nag nag..
SI bei sian..
Dear dear , you very shit sia.
Everytime come my blog also nvr tag de!~~~~ GRRRR
Since you dont let me go fetch you from school xD
hahahah,battery of laptop going to gone case liao..
thats all byebye! xD
Labels: xDD
April 15, 2009
My life is so fucked up. ):
Go out also must see mother lian se.
Nabei. Not happy washing clothes right!
Then dun wash lor, i got ask you help me wash my clothes ar?
Not happy dump it away lor. kpkb.
I got money buy ley, u throw how many clothes i buy how many back lor...
Like as if i no $$ Like that. Fuck you la. Everyday only hear u rant rant rant like a mad woman.
Hmm.. i think your mouth exercise by shouting and ranting right?
Say i everyday go out, lol lol... Stupid excuse.
You jealous i everyday go out jiu say out LOUD!
Dun need keep niam niam niam. (:
Just say it out loud and tell the world.~
I dont give a damm to you. (:
Whatever you say i just turn off my ears!
How i enjoyed the days when u are overseas! Hehe
The house is never noisy and its always peaceful xD
Wanna know why i keep go out with friends?
I can find fun and laughter that i do not have when i am with them !
Understand? I dun think u seems to understand.. haiishh
Nvm. FOrget it!
Labels: FUcked up
April 12, 2009
Raining day
The cloud in the sky are looking grey now (:
SOo i predict that its going to rain
Hmmm. People who are going out please bring their umbrella with you!
If it really rain =X You still have an umbrella to cover you
But lets hope that it won rain ba! xD
Nextly,7 more days it woud be school reopen!
haiiishh, i dun wan school tor reopen.
But it just won follow my wish and change for the only me.
Life sucks, but what can i do?
I cant change everything just for myself..
when sch reopens i cannot do things that i like.. ):
Why dun time jusstt stop and nvr go..
Happy times just won be enough for me.
Haha! I seems to be a very greedy man.!
I likes those times with pancake..
Everytime i kept think that if time would just stop at that moment.
Isnt it great? Its a wonderful thing to have your loved ones just around you.
But too sad to say that, Happy memories would only stay in our minds
Time wont wait for us humans, it would keep on continue to tick and tock!
Haha! thats all for today!xD
Labels: x3 Suvin (:
April 7, 2009
lina mama ask me to update my Precious blloggg!!!! xD
lets starts!!
By looking at the sky, its a cloudy day and its seems like its going to rain ):
Ppl who are going out please bring an umbrella with you
in case it really rains and you all won be drenched ducks! xD
Dear today went out so i rotting at home now! xD
Joking Joking! xD
Thats all for today ! bbye Friends! (:
Labels: siannn ):