Happy 2nd month anniversary ^^
Dearest Suvin Choo Wee sin! xD
Today is the day which embarks our second month of our relationship xD
Haha! Its a sad thing that we cannot meet up with each other to celebrate today
Due to Poly schools!! ):
My time table sucks man. Monday to thursday, School ends at 5pm everyday.
But On friday, schools end at 12pm xDD
Which is so good!~
Intended to celebrate it on friday xD
But dear dear say her mother say buy laptop on friday soo..
Haha!~ But its okay! The most i pon some of the lesson on weekdays then we can go out and play xDD.
See i so gooooddd riiighhtt!! xDD
Today lesson was exceptionally boring.. Feel like sleeping minute..
Teacher was boring, everything was boring..
School just sucks..!
I enjoyed the days in the holiday when i can meet Dearest (:
Cos with her life is never boring for me. Hahahah!
Dear, i want to be with you every minute xDD
I also need you to be at my side xD
I miss you every minute when i am asleep and awake!
I love you xD
See, so touching right Dear! xDD
Labels: Happy 2nd month anniversary
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